Wednesday, July 28, 2021

bits and pieces

I enjoy quilting. It’s creating with fabric something that wraps you in … love and warmth.

Here’s the two quilt tops and backings for BFF’s g-kids. GD loves black. Her quilt top is made of a kajillion different fabrics to create one image. With a backing that … tones things down. GS’s top has one busy fabric with two solids … to create consistency. And then a backing that using his favorite colors that he wants to keep to himself … pink, yellow and Mario characters.

BFF was fabric oriented … I am project/pattern oriented. She has tons and tons of fabric coz she loves it allllll. Bits and pieces and yards and yards. She grabs fabric and then somehow puts it all together. A scrappy quilter … very abstract. I have fabric to complete a quilt. I like a pattern and then go find the fabric that I want to use to make the vision I see. There’s no right way to complete a … goal … as long as you … complete the goal.

I’m still going through past Spark blogs. Geeeeeze … I was more “fabric” oriented picking up every train of thought I liked, going this way and that with doing what I thought at the moment, braggin’ when things were going well, hiding from Sparkers when it wasn’t. I’m reading through 2017 when I was … focused on losing weight and lost a total of 100 pounds. I was … project oriented. More true to myself.

My thoughts and feelings are allllll over the place. I can’t seem to settle inside. I can’t seem to hear my own … voice.

I feel like one of BFF’s quilts … bits and pieces.


  1. Going through the old blogs is hefty emotional work! I felt the echo of when I was doing this with mine, being pulled to one section or another!

    Being true to oneself is a funny thing, because we're complex humans... and sometimes when we take on characteristics of a friend, we're honoring and remembering them... and when we're ready, we return to our more normal, recognizable strengths.

    Blessings this Wednesday, my friend!

  2. Great quilts! 😃

    I think it’s a forest / trees dichotomy for me. I like to be goal-oriented most of the time. But life has sometimes thrown multiple curveballs at me which bog me down with immediate needs and make it really really hard to stick to the Grand Plan.

    It’s hard to fault someone for being consumed by putting out lots of fires. Even if that person is me, and I try to remind myself of that.

    Geez. Could I have mixed any more metaphors into that comment?! I guess my brain is wallowing in mixed metaphors today... 🧠 😂

  3. Beautiful quilts and I feel the same . . . emotions ebb and flow. **SIGH** Glad you have this site to blog!

  4. I like your analogies.
    Find your project.
    What DO you want to do?

    I want to be healthy. If healthy means eating the right foods so my body chemistry is optimal, then that's (is) what I'll do. It's working as all my doctors are pleased with me even though I've got too many pounds. I have a 5 pound drop since April and my cardio was very happy. She also tried to talk me into a one meal a day, intermittent fasting option she is doing. Says she feels much better.
    A doctor doing something I dismissed as fad-ish.

    As to my "type"...I decide my projects by the feel of a yarn. If it feels nice, I buy (many) multiple colors of the same yarns and stash them away. Base my projects on how much I have of each.
    Let's not talk about where all this yarn is stored. It is invisible if you are in my house!!!!

  5. Beautiful quilts. I have 3 that I treasure for various reasons.

    Mind all over the place here also regarding impending loss of SP forum and indecision on my next tracking tool when I don't even want to track.

    Hang in there.

  6. Lovely quilts!
    Maybe life is made up of bits and pieces at times!?!
    Seriously find 10-15 minutes a day to lay down and meditate.
    Helps me with my scattered thoughts .

  7. Nice quilts!! And so nice that you are finishing them for your BFF!! Gives you a chance to experiment to her approach and to find what supports you best . . . now, at this moment.

  8. These are gorgeous, very well done, I'm not very creative myself! I haven't looked at any Spark blogs I saved as I don't want to look back just now. My girl goes to Uni on Saturday about an hour and a half away and I'm not looking forward to the change!
